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The AAS congruence test

The initials AAS stand for 'Angle', 'Angle', 'Side'.
In the construction below:
\(AB\) is 7 units in length.
\(\angle B' AB = 45 ^\circ \text{and} \ \angle A' BA = 30 ^\circ\) are drawn.
The segments AB′ and BA′ intersect at C.

1 triangle
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Question 5

Triangle \(XYZ\) is drawn with \(XZ \ = 6 \text{cm and} \ \angle YXZ = 46 ^\circ \text{and} \ \angle YZX = 55 ^\circ\).

check answer for question_5_tab2

Question 6

Construct a triangle \(ABC \ \text{with} \ AB = 5 \text{cm and} \ \angle CAB = 50 ^\circ \text{and} \ \angle CBA = 45 ^\circ\).